Pastors Andrew & Rachel Ronald come to you with 30 years of pastoral experience and over 44 years of ministerial background. They were the senior pastors of two inner city churches Pilsen Assemblies of God & Metro Discovery Church in Chicago. Both he and his wife were born & raised on the South Side of Chicago; met when they were 15 & 16 years old and the rest is a “God thing!” as they put it. They have four adult children: Stephanie, Tara, Leah & Justin, 15 grandchildren and live in Geneva, IL. Pastor Andrew was a former gang member and heavily involved in drugs but the day He gave his life to Christ it was a radical change. From that point on he went sharing the love of God to everyone he met and how his life had been transformed. He hasn’t stopped since. He graduated from the Bethel Bible Institute (BBI) in Blue Island, IL in pastoral studies along with Continuous Educational Christian studies throughout the years. He was on staff at BBI, on their Board of Directors and Director of Journalism. He’s an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God in the Midwest District and is affiliated with Crusaders for Christ Ministries of Bakersfield, CA under the direction of Rev. Joel Martinez.
His wife Rachel was adopted by a Christian family but as the proverb goes “train up a child in the ways of the Lord and they will not depart.” She couldn’t stray from God because he kept tugging at her heart. She too had a radical experience with God that has not left her the same ever since. To this day she still carries that passion for Christ as if it were the first day.
In addition to pastoring, Rachel has worked for the Midwest Latin District A/G Women’s Ministries from 1992 thru 2008 as Sec’y Treasurer for WM’s and Director of Girl’s Ministries. She was also the co-founder of Pilsen Inner City Kids, a tutor mentoring program. She’s a translator/interpreter who travels throughout the United States, Mexico and Central America holding conferences, seminars, workshops with the Ministry Perlas Escogidas under the direction of Rev. Sylvia Garcia.
In 1990 they were called to the Pastorate and left lucrative jobs. Andrew owned a multi-million-dollar construction company and Rachel was a medical coordinator on a brain trauma unit but left it all to go into the pastorate. Many friends and family members called them crazy, but God had a plan.
Their first pastorate they took over only had 30 people and it went down to five people plus their family of six. Since it was a “God thing!” They rolled up their sleeves without fear and worked it. God raised the church up to hundreds and hundreds, the church grew and grew and so did the ability to obtain more and more property. They couldn’t contain it under one roof or several.
The church was quite involved in community, i.e., various kinds of outreach; education, missions, food pantry, soup kitchen, provision to the homeless, and tutor mentoring. God in his sovereignty took nothing and made it something.
They’ve seen many families or better yet said many “generations” come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. They’re honored to have served, taught and disciple people for Christ. To them this was more rewarding then any of the money they could have ever earned. They’ve seen the faithfulness of God throughout the years but most of all God has given them more, 10 times as much, than what they could ever imagine.