

Women’s Ministries

The needs women face today are great. Many struggle with relationships, difficult life situations, or abuse. Others are simply overwhelmed with the demands of life. Women walk into our churches looking for hope. This is why we believe in ministering to women… (K. Clarensau, Former National Women’s Director)

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Spirit Empowered Men

This ministry serves to reach, teach and release men to their full potential. Deep in his heart every man wants to be a part of a team that does something great. It’s about camaraderie, affirmation, personal development and spiritual growth. Your end result is MEN OF FAITH.

Epic Youth

Jr. High to High School…it’s all about reaching this generation by sharing God’s unchanging “LIFE” giving story in ways they’ll understand and respond too.  “When we understand the times we’ll know what to do” I Chronicles 12:32